Invalid  Election

The conclave of the 18th of April, 2005, in Rome which elected Cardinal Ratzinger ['Benedict XVI'] was invalid because it was not convoked by the Holy Spirit. It was not convoked by The Holy Spirit because there was no authority to elect a new Pontiff due to the Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal consecration having been deliberately made null and void by the satanic agents within the Church. What can come of a conclave where the greater majority are not Bishops?

This will seem to be a very wild statement. But, I base my statement on pure logic.

Where essentially does the authority of the election process lie? It lies with the Successors of the Apostles. This means that it lies with every single Bishop in union with his brother Bishops.

In the history of the Church this process was streamlined to include only Cardinals. But the fact that Cardinals elect a pope is only a Church law or discipline. The essence of the power to elect remains the same i.e. with the Successors of the Apostles. And this becomes very pertinent when governance/law of the Church breaks down as we currently have thru the great apostasy.

By Tradition each Cardinal is a Bishop. In theory a lay person could be elected pope but he would be ordained a Priest and consecrated a Bishop before being presented to the people.

We have a situation whereby the Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal Consecration is null and void. See this web.

We thus have a situation where the greater number of these men who gathered in Rome to elect a pope were only Priests [ordained pre 1968] and not Bishops.

The reformers post Vatican II deliberately invalidated the Rite of Episcopal Consecration but not that of Holy Orders. Most of these men would have been ordained by a validly consecrated Bishop. But they mostly have been consecrated bishop in the New Rite. 

Of the 115 members of this conclave all had been consecrated in the invalid New Rite except:

The power to elect a Pontiff lies with the True Bishops and most of them are already in the Catacombs.

And so, in this conclave, there was no authority to elect a Pontiff; thus how could the conclave have been convoked by the Holy Spirit? 

What of the election of John Paul II some may ask? In his case the majority of the electors were consecrated in the valid, old Tridentine Rite. This is where, or the non realising of such, many sedevacantists are wrong. The point was not, what John Paul II did but what he was!

This conclave in Rome sets in train a series of antipopes.

In short, 'Benedict XVI' is a simple Priest. He is not the Vicar of Christ on Earth!

It is true that a good honest man could become an antipope thru ignorance. I hope Ratzinger fits this description. But after him will come more liberal antipopes.

I am wondering if Ratzinger will be pilloried on all fronts to an extent that no one would ever dare elect an arch conservative again.

The reformers will get their way in the counterfeit church; after all they are the builders!

There is one prophecy of note: [translation thru the centuries gives the modern name of Germany]

72a  Merlin (7th century)

There will come a German Antipope. Italy and Germany will be sorely troubled. A French King will restore the true Pope.