
The Papacy Of John Paul II

The Papacy of His Holiness John Paul II had very much a bottom line to it. This being that he was a validly consecrated Bishop, consecrated in the Latin Tridentine Rite and that he was elected to the Papacy by a sufficient number of equally validly consecrated Bishops.

From 1968 all Bishops have been consecrated in the new Novus Ordo Rite. This new rite can only be classified as null and void.

As his Pontificate slowly travelled thru 27 years, by the time of his death, there were only around five validly consecrated Cardinals in the Consistory.

John Paul II is replaced by someone who is not a Bishop. This means that true Apostolic Succession exists in a few pockets of the Remnant Church.

The death of John Paul II is on par with the splitting of the Temple curtain at the time of the Crucifixion of Christ. This was the final blow for Rome.